Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Many Days!

Many days have gone by since I have written a post. There have been lots of little things and big things that have gone on these past month. Between my kids being sick, husband getting sick and me trying to fight it, it's been a hard month. It seems though I lost the battle and ended up sick anyways. 

Writing has happened a little bit here and there with two massive writing days back to back. I also have been reading a lot. Mainly since I had to rest the wrist but now that I am reading I do not want to put any books down. That is working great with my 100 books in a year goal. 

On the personal front, my husband has been looking at getting a new job. He actually have been getting a few responses. The one interview from before the holidays never went anywhere. Since then he had a few calls and recruiters but it never went anywhere. Then he got a call from a company out in Washington State. The place where he has been wanting to go for as long as he remembered. It's our goal to get out there. Two interviews later, he was asked to fly out there. So he's going at the end of the week. Hoping for some great news on that. 

Since everything seems to be falling into place, it seems like maybe just maybe I should be pushing myself a little bit more on my writing. I go through phases were I am very serious about it then the fear takes over and I am back at square one. 

Fallen Angel, Risen Demon I think could work really well but I am worried about it. I have actually became more attached to it more then my first novel I ever wrote. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

I've Been Busy

I have been busy but that should excuse the fact that it has been a little while since I have done a blog post. 

Especially when what I have been doing is writing which is what this blog is about. I finished a few things but really I have been ignoring what I should be working on. Editing. I have not wanted to edit anything really except a few small things. 

I am about halfway through editing Fallen Angel, Risen Demon. I had a hiccup that I am still trying to figure out how to fix it. I keep looking at it but never do anything about it. 

I know it's part of the process but I haven't decided how much I like it. Sometimes I feel really great about it because something clicks in the story so much better but then it's grueling most other times. 

Guess I should really actually get to editing. 

Until next time, happy writing.