Saturday, December 29, 2012

Finished MR! :)

I finished the first draft of a story. However, it was a fan fiction but still it is completed and it is one more thing off my list. 

Realizing that I have a lot of open stories taking up a lot of space in my head I decided that finishing fan fictions is not a bad way to spend time. I am still writing and I am still improving with every page I write. Never will it be publishable but any sort of writing can be good right?

Initially the story Muggle Relations was only supposed to be a short as most of my fan fictions are however, somewhere down the line it went from an under 10,000 words to almost 35,000, plus more after a revision. I know I missed a few scenes around there. 

I started this story back in 2010 I believe and only wrote about 3,000 words at that point so now almost two years later I have finished it. Of course, the first part was very well written in my honest opinion as I took the time to write it versus the remainder 30,000 which was rushed more so then I would have liked. Inspiration hits when it hits. 

Now I am off to work on You Don't Know Me it's another fan fiction from 2008, long time ago! Luckily it's only a few thousand words into it and rewriting the beginning should not take too long. 

Happy Holidays and until next time, happy writing! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Almost New Year!

It's almost the new year! 

My writing has fallen down but that is because well it's been the holidays and it is really hard getting the time to write. At least to write a lot. 

Spending time with the family is more of a top priority. Especially because I know the new year things could be changing up. 

Still waiting to hear about my husband's job interview. From the start we have decided that it was better to go with the assumption that he would not be getting it. That way we would not be getting our hopes up. 

Slowly starting to get things a bit organized around the house just in case he does get some good news about the job interview. Then it might make a few things easier, doubtful but hopeful. 

Still have a few days left of the month to finish up a few things though I doubt things are going to be finished but I can try. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012


I have skipped out on two posts, it was no my intention but I did. Still I have shone more disciplined for this then ever before. 

My writing has slowed which makes me wonder how in the world I can write so much during NaNoWriMo. It's not for the lack of material because I sure have enough to finish writing two of the work in progress. It must be from time commitments. 

I have more then enough to get started on the second book to Hi There, Boy. Now that I am thinking about it I will be switching that title to Hey There, Boy, instead. It seems to roll of the tongue a little better. 

Hey There, Boy  is on of my ideas that I started to write as a trilogy but then after I started to write based on my outline I realized I only touched on about a tenth of my outline that was currently a work in progress (about half way done outline) as I hit 40,000.  I realized that Nate who was a side character was going to play a more heartier role then what I set him out to play. Hitting on more day to day life. That's when I realized it was going to become a series.  

All this will probably be for my own benefit as I am not sure how marketable series are without tv shows involved. I see lots of trilogies and saga's but few and far from series that do not have a tv show before or after the books came out. If anyone knows of any please by all means let me know. I would love to read more recent ones. I know Sweet Valley High and the Baby Sitter's Club were popular when I was growing up. 

I think that perhaps really for me is not finding other things that I would like to do. Once I sit down I can usually focus on the writing for a short period of time. Some days I crank out 5,000 words easy upwards of 10,000 words. Other days I will lucky to clock 500 words. It kind of is a let down. 

Until next time, Happy Writing! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Missed it by 15 minute!

I missed doing this blog by fifteen minutes but I am going to do what my friend does and says it's not tomorrow until after I fall asleep and wake back up. 

In that case I still think it's the 17th. Yep it's lying but I am okay with that little fib here I think. 

Today was an overly productive day. I wrote about 10k today. Again I think the last 30 words or so were when the clocked switched over the midnight. 

The story is slowly coming along and my hands are tired since I crammed in 4k in the last 2 hours or so. Tomorrow should be really good because I am planning on finishing this story! 

Tired and sleep sounds good. 

Until next time! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

9 Days Till Christmas

I am ready for it to come and go. Actually, I don't all the way my kids really enjoy this time of year. I just really do not like the real tree we have. It's shedding a lot. Then there's the crowds outside, now I am remembering why I decide to spend many of my days inside. 

Almost no writing down this season but there is still plenty of time to get some things done. 

Going to start working on book 2, part 2, however you want to call it. The next book in the series, Hi There, Boy Since it could be a stand alone book I thought I would edit it and then write the next one but instead I think I am going to write the next one or two then kind of edit. Smaller books so I do no think it will take as long as some of my others. However, I do need to add about 5k to the first one. 

I can just keep adding to my list of things to edit, it's beginning to rapidly grow. It actually worries me a little bit because I don't know if I will ever get done. 

We shall see what I can get done in the next week! Hopefully a lot. 

Until next time, happy writing! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Time

Christmas time is coming and here I am having to play nice. Meaning that I will eventually have to do a few things I would rather not do. It's also time be to with family which in a way I am looking forward to. I like being around family it can just be stressful. 

Especially with writing. Time is getting limited on the amount of time I can write. I've also been neglecting spending time with the husband in the evening. It is something that needs to be changed but it's so hard to change how I have been doing things. 

Evening writing is the best but yet it is also getting harder. 

With holidays coming around do you ever get upset about not being able to just write? How do you deal with it?

Normally I would just suck it up and write but for some reason I feel less inclined to do so. I can honestly say that my once hefty motivation is no longer here. Sit down and write that is what I need to do. 

Until next time! 

Friday, December 14, 2012

It's a sad day in America, as another school shooting took place. In regards to what happened all I can say is that I send my thoughts to the families and community. It is a tragedy. 

Everyone deals with tragedy in their own way.

It can take time to heal. 

Until next time. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Still Sick

I am still sick, though it's not as bad as last night. I was able to get a little bit written last night before I became to tired to continue. 

Today I did not even sit down at the computer until after 11. Then it was another couple hours before I even really started writing. I hate being sick, it causes to many problems, between being mentally not there and there just being tired and achy. When I am sick I would rather be lazy then write. Which I guess that's why people tell you to rest.

However, with that being said, I think of writing kinda of like a job. I need to get it done and to get it done I have to put time and effort into it. My writing has suffered the past couple days but once I start feeling better I will kill it. At least I have been trying to write, almost, kind of, well enough to make me happy. 

Until next time, happy writing!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Sickness and writing usually do not hand in hand. However, I still try to write something while being sick. That's assuming that I can actually comprehend what I am writing. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. 

Normal cold are nothing to be afraid of for me, but once I realize that I am spending more time trying to keep my nose from running then I am writing that's when I also normally take a break. 

Since I am not feeling the best tonight. This blog post will be short. As in this is the end for tonight. I still have some words I want to finish writing. 

Until next time, happy writing!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Yesterday, I wrote the most in the last couple days because of the weekend I was trying to not spend all day writing. Which led to almost no writing. Another time with the balancing issues. 

The good thing of not writing though was a very clean bathroom and progressively clean kids room. Minus a few toys the kids managed to drag out. The end result had only been a few hundred words. So yesterday after struggling a good portion of the afternoon to write 800 words I did not think it would have been a very decent day. 

I clocked my words at the end of the night and it was 2.5k typed and approximate 1k of words written. Of course, though I would love to have it all on the computer. Soon enough though. 

I am still trying to decide what my projects are going to be this next year. I mean I hope that things will continue as they have been but it's hard to say that it will. I haven't finished anything since the first couple days or so and everything else is still pretty far from actually being done. 

Just have to buckle down and get it done. Motivation I need you to stay with me. 

Until next time. Happy Writing! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rolling with the changes!

As a writer you have to go with changes even if maybe it is not exactly what you wanted to write. 

For instance, just tonight I had a chapter pop up that I had no idea it would happen but it worked out kinda of. It took a mind of it's own and I will have to rework it later but still if it never would of happened it really would not back up the previous chapter. It glued it together. 

Other times, a random character pops up and you go 'what the heck, where did you come from' I like when that happens even if the character will get the axe in the next draft, it helps me learn. 

In this instance tonight, I have not written very much these past few days giving that it was the weekend. So I will take anything that I can get and if that means a few unscheduled chapters or scenes then I am more then okay with it. 

What do you guys do with unscheduled things in your novels? I just power through it and leave it unless it really has nothing to do with moving my novel along then it gets chopped up but I've noticed for me a lot of the time it's a good piece. 

Sorry for the shorter post. Trying to get it in before other things. 

Until next time! Happy Writing! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012



I have found that balancing thing is hard for me. No, matter what I cannot seem to balance the mix of writing and social life. Heck writing and family life sometimes is hard to do. During the day, I have one of my kids in school so she is not around until the afternoon. It is my two younger ones who demand a lot of attention. I am constantly up and down from my kitchen table when I am writing.

My kitchen table is my writing tables because I can have my kids drawing next to me, eating, doing puzzles if I can convince them to do it there. I can usually see them unless they are in their room it is the perfect place for me to be. At the same time, I am in the middle of all traffic, which means my kids really won’t that extra moment for the drink or for me to change the channel.

Since during the day my attention is elsewhere from writing, when my husband gets home I use the time to write, write, and write or in some cases research. Then it is bedtime and my distraction is very high once again, which I would not mind but it seems like bedtime drags out. Then its computer time until sleep time. I have realized that my balance in the evenings is really lacking but I enjoy having the hours of limited interruption times.

Here’s my point I guess, it’s 10.34 at night and although I am actually sitting at the couch with my husband I am still on the computer typing. 

I would rather be in writing then out socializing. My characters are my friends. If someone gives me the chance to go out I would rather stay in. Parties I would rather skip then go to.  It is the ideas of balance that I do not enjoy.

My balance between housework and writing is a big problem also. My house tends to get worse before it gets better. I know I need to work on it yet at the same time it does not get done when I think about it, usually that day. 

Does anyone seem to have problems balancing?

I would love to hear other's problem with balancing or things that they have found that helped them with balancing.

Until next time. Happy Writing!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I Didn't Forget!

Slipped my mind today this blog did. My goal is to write everyday for a whole month. In part to have it become habit, teach me accountability and responsibility. Plus I wanted to see if I could do it. 

However, it's almost 11 pm and I remembered about six tonight but only just gotten home about an hour ago. Had a few things I needed to do before I could get on to do a blog post. 

Today's post. Timing issues. 

I seem to have a lot of them. I am a very forgetful person when it comes to little things. I can easily get distracted but eventually I can get around to doing what I planned in good time. I have tried to become better at it but really it's not that easy, there is no good way of reminding myself to do things. 

People say lists...yes they work when you remember to actually write things on the list. 

Alarms...they haven't worked for me, they go off I see and say yep I will do it in 5 minutes. Then it never happens. 

When I write, I say yep I will write for a half hour before bed. Sure enough, two hours later, oh that's right I was going to go to bed a little while go. Yes, I think I actually might confuse my husband on that. Yes, I also realize that I perhaps do not actually spend as much time as I should because I simply do not pay attention to time. He seems to understand and doesn't really push it that much. He says he understands and says I should because I rarely ever get uninterrupted time. This is true. 

I usually end up running late or really early because I do not want to mess up with the times. 

What do you do to help with timing problems?

Until next time, HAPPY WRITING! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Too many ideas?

I have to many things going on in my head at once. Sometimes it is really hard to sort through it all. 

Anyone have that problem?

Normally I simply jot down the ideas and if it's really persistent then I will continue to write it down. 

It has been many, many years since any of this has been a problem. Usually it's just one or two story ideas at a time but lately it has been going nonstop. I need it to stop. I do not have time to do this. 

My time is already filled with the things I am trying to do. Stories that I am trying to finish. Stories that may or maybe not work out. 

Right now I am trying to get all my ideas out of my head for now. I can always work on them later. 

Until then, Happy Writing! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Words Words Words

I like words. I use words every day, in one way or another.

Words are more than just letters smashed together.  Words have a lot more meaning behind them. That is what I like about words.  One single sentence can be interpreted many different ways, and it is how we do that makes each of us stand out differently.

A fight can happen easily with a set of words, a fight that the person had no intention of starting just because he did not chose his words correctly. But, really was it this person to choose his words, or up the person to listen to it correctly. A simple break down of communication. Communications problems exist and almost no one wants to take the blame.

Communication problems happen in written word, too. Main reason people cannot always read tone. Unless you add CAPS or those little smiley faces or emoticons. I’m not against them at all, I use them often. Still they can be too much, I once received an email that was littered in them.  All because she wanted to be sure, I understood, if she was that worried she should have called me.

I am getting really off topic. Written words, can be interpreted, that’s what we have done in school, most English classes (or language class depending on where you’re from) we have to read a literary work and try to work through what the author was meaning. Will my writing ever get that far? I seriously doubt it. As time goes on though, it may. Any number of our works in 100 years could be looked at.

So do you have a clear meaning on what you want to say? Are saying what you want, or what you think others might want to see? I started thinking about that last night. I enjoy writing, I love to read, but I am still stuck on what was written many years ago. I love Edgar Allan Poe, his works are just amazing, but will we be studying him 50 years, 100 years, 150 years? Or will something more modern replace him? What will middle schoolers and high schoolers be writing their book reports on in 50 years, 100 years, 150 years?

Just my ideas that keep me up at night, sometimes. 

Until next time. HAPPY WRITING! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Motivation Found

With this onset of information that may or may not happen, I have decided that it only gives me motivation. Motivation to continue writing as I have been.

There’s a small chance that we may relocate for a job and I mean small chance. This will not be an easy or quick move compared to what it has been in the past. Not that they were that easy but still this one will be moving across many states not just an hour away. 

Of course, nothing is to be known for a couple weeks but I like being prepared. In my case being prepared is writing, writing as much as I can while I have the chance. I am even more dedicated to cleaning off my bookshelves with my randomness I call writing.

I hope to push my efforts in not only writing but editing. It all takes time and time is limited as it is because of the holiday season. 

Get cleaning is another thing that is constantly running through my head. Luckily, I had planned doing a full house cleaning anyways because it is the holidays. I have been slowly decluttering and throwing older things out. I suppose it is one less thing for me to do later.

Finishing up WIPs is what I am going to be focusing on. Using this new found motivation to write what I can. Get things out of the way now so I won’t have to worry about it later. Also one less notebook now is just one more that I can get later! 

What motivates you?

Until next time, HAPPY WRITING!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Life Changes!

Going to say straight up this post not exactly about writing, it is about changes in my life, which of course can affect my writing. Just needed to get it out there to someone who is not family and might understand what’s going on a little better.

Here's the thing. I can write from anywhere right? Yep, it's right. 

However, all my life has been set in two towns. My hometown and the town I moved to when I moved in with my then boyfriend now husband (45-60 minutes away from said hometown.) We've been back and forth between two said towns for the last 7 years. I visited/lived in San Diego (all the way across the states I am from the Midwest) for a brief period of time right after high school  I probably would have moved if I didn't have some baggage back at home.

We do not live in most exciting of places so husband and I have wanted to move to the coast for the longest time. Him west, me east, however I will be happy wherever we end up as I think he will be too.

He has a current job and the commute currently is an hour one way. We’ve talked about moving closer but rent is more and well we have free babysitters right across the way from us. No to mention, he has been slowly starting to job hunt, he was not doing it to heavy because we were looking outside our area and I was still finishing college, currently done but hoping to go back once we get somewhere again. A few calls here and there for him but nothing panned out and they have all been where we were not looking at going.

Finally, a call from a location we were looking at and interview. He thinks it went well. He’ll hear something in a few weeks. It’s the holiday season and it makes me a little nervous. 

The more I think about it the more I know this is going to affect my writing. Good or bad, I have not decided. I know that my writing will be pushed aside and I am okay with that. It will not be the first time it will not be the last time. I know also know if it pans out I will be giving more chances to increase my writing circle, as it will be closer to a bigger city.

Has anyone else had a major move and how did it affect your writing? If anything comes of this interview, I’ll let you all know!

Until then Happy Writing!

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's Already Begun

Lost Motivation-If found please return

This isn't the first nor will it be the last that this will happen to me. I have lost the motivation I had to complete 100k for NaNoWriMo. The words, I realized at this point in time wasn't the only thing that was doing the motivating. It was the completing of projects and boy did I complete some.

Finishing a story is hard work for me, so I was extremely happy when I not only finished one but four things.

It’s only December 3rd and I have begun to slip back into my old habits. The idea of finishing up more stories keeps me at least coming back to the computer but at a much slower pace than before. In this case slower means better for me because the I can work on the story, edit as I go if I need to. Yet, the slower pace has caused a backlog of information. It’s not coming out fast enough leaving me wondering if maybe speed is better for me overall.

Speedy me, means lots of extra hours editing later and another level of lack of motivation.

So if you have some extra motivation lying around or heck even find mine, please send some my way. Hopefully, I can return the favor someday.

Until then HAPPY WRITING!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Deciding What to Finish

Let's just go with the fact that I didn't exactly finish the book the way I wanted. However that's what you can fix while editing, so for now we will say book 1 out of ?? is finished. 

When I first started this story for this year’s NaNoWriMo just by the semi outline, I knew it was going to be a long story. I would break it down to maybe three books. Not so bad, right? Then came the actually writing, I am just barely through a quarter of the written up outline. (The written up portion I have is only the first half of what I planned). Leaving me with a series, this is even better for me in my opinion. 

As with yesterday's post, I stated that some of my word count was from other stories. I actually finished a few WIPs. One that had been a WIP for years, it was even a 'Never going to finish' Folder.

With that being said I have no idea what to finish. I don't know if I want to start working on Book 2 of ?? or if I should continue to wade through my many many WIPs. Never really, know what is there, for me to want to work on. I also have two ideas for new stories, which may or may not ever be written. 

I will be the first to admit that I came up with way to many idea for stories. Some original and some are fan fiction ideas. Fan fiction was an outlet for me when I was younger. I was always worried about my own writing and so I felt more comfortable writing that. 

That's why it takes me so long to decide what to finish.

Until next time HAPPY WRITING !!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1st Beyond NaNoWriMo

It's December 1st. If you are a writer, whether be published or just having fun, there is a chance you have heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).  It's a rather large world wide event!  If you've found this entry in this blog there's a good chance you already know what it is. If not I'll give a quick run down. 

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short) takes place in November and the goal is to write 50,000 words in the 30 days. Now some people will say oh 50,000 words isn't a novel. Well maybe not, but it's a great start to one. If you succeed that's great and if not well you still took a step and that's what really matters. 

I finished my 50k a little over half way through the month but I wasn't done with my story not by a long shot. Instead of stopping I kept writing. Of course, though I wrote in various other projects so not all of my words (100,015) should have counted but I did it anyways because well I was over the moon about it! 

I have been doing this for a couple years now. I have actually finished 3 novels from it. All three in various degrees of editing. I have a few unfinished manuscripts from it that will probably never go anywhere but it's okay because I wrote them. My problem is I lose motivation! 

December is what I and probably many others call catch up month. Catch up on everything you put aside in order to complete NaNoWriMo. That also means for me putting aside writing things that still need to be finished up. 

I vow not to do that this year. I vow that I will continue and not put it aside for the next few weeks! 

I hate long posts. I hope this blog will keep me writing! If not hound me, hound me, hound me people! Tell me to stop doing things like play with tumblr, or pinterest or even twitter, tell me to sit and write something! Until next time, HAPPY WRITING!!!!