Monday, December 10, 2012

Rolling with the changes!

As a writer you have to go with changes even if maybe it is not exactly what you wanted to write. 

For instance, just tonight I had a chapter pop up that I had no idea it would happen but it worked out kinda of. It took a mind of it's own and I will have to rework it later but still if it never would of happened it really would not back up the previous chapter. It glued it together. 

Other times, a random character pops up and you go 'what the heck, where did you come from' I like when that happens even if the character will get the axe in the next draft, it helps me learn. 

In this instance tonight, I have not written very much these past few days giving that it was the weekend. So I will take anything that I can get and if that means a few unscheduled chapters or scenes then I am more then okay with it. 

What do you guys do with unscheduled things in your novels? I just power through it and leave it unless it really has nothing to do with moving my novel along then it gets chopped up but I've noticed for me a lot of the time it's a good piece. 

Sorry for the shorter post. Trying to get it in before other things. 

Until next time! Happy Writing! 

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