Thursday, January 24, 2013


I just finished up the disaster thriller from wriye. It's this year long writing forum I am a part of. Since I have finished it up I was pretty much left with out an idea. I have a few WIPs to work on but they weren't really hitting the creative gene. 

Since then I had a really good conversation going on in my head but I lost it before I could write it down. Last night after some work I finally came up with an idea that mirrored the conversation the best. 

Excerpt on a currently untitled story idea. Please let me know what you think. 

      Walking down the sidewalk, the perpetual sadness trying hard to push pass the always-lasting fake smile as she flipped the unnatural red strip of hair behind her ear for the twelfth time that walk.  What should have only taken ten minutes ended up taking an extra ten because she missed the turn, only to realize three cross streets passed where she needed to turn. As much as she tried to ignore the passer buyers, their sounds of talking, laughing, and even the occasional yelling pushed through her imaginary wall she often tried to put up.
      The noise droned into her ear, pushing her to move quicker to get away from the sounds that she dreaded. She hated the exuded happiness that came off her peers so easily, when she so often tried to actually to be happy. Only on the few occasions did she stop to think that maybe the people she crossed actually did the same as her and plaster a fake smile on, however just as quick as the thought past through it left just as quick.
      Pushing her sleeves further up her arms, she noticed Danielle perched on top the railing looking at the collection of students walking past her. Danielle’s eyes scanned the crowed until they rested on her. The little wave Danielle provided caused the instinctual raise of her hand in the half-ass greeting as her friend did for her. Friend, she almost hated that term but that is what the two girls could consider their mutual agreement would be considered. They related in almost all terms but the confiding which would occur in most friendships left little be desired. In fact, that happened to the be one of the first things that they could agree on, no sense in letting each other know things other than they didn't want that type of friendship.  

I am terrible when it comes to grammar and p.o.v. but I am trying to work on it. So if you see anything that is off please by all means let me know. I know what it is supposed to say but it still doesn't feel right by me. 

Until next time, happy writing. 

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